
Regardless of where you are in life, you have a need to feel good and function optimally. We offer tailored treatments to meet your needs and circumstances.

Taking advantage of the so-called wellness benefit as an employee is an excellent way to promote your health and well-being. By investing in your physical and mental health, you can not only increase your energy levels at work but also experience an overall improvement in your well-being.

If you want to utilize your wellness benefit i.e. ”friskvårdsbidrag", you can book a Wellness/Massage Treatment

Wellness/Massage Treatment

A treatment based on classical massage and sports massage, as well as joint mobilization.

Naprapathy/Chiropractic Treatment

The treatment includes massage, trigger points, joint mobilization, and joint manipulation.

In connection with the treatments, you will also gain knowledge about why you are experiencing pain, as well as a toolbox consisting of exercises to become more flexible and agile in the long term.

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